c.1981 Sparsholt

Created by Deborah 4 years ago

To Marian's left, Julia Whitehouse (standing), me kneeling at Marian's left side (Deborah Collins, nee Peart), Tina Hamilton sat in front of us.  Experiencing the cycle of life on a farm (I am still a vegetarian because of it), and 'learning by doing'.  This teenage gang, these friendships, this bunch of girls who all cared for and cried for the animals at this farm.  I have moved house 20 times, live in another country, and have very little connection the the UK., yet I have held this image so dearly for so long because a good part of who I am is due to this image, and my teenage friendship with Marian. We honed with each other our comedic timing, our debating skills, our empathy, and our intellectual curiosity during these years.  I have and will keep Marian close, even now.
