To Marian's left, Julia Whitehouse (standing), me kneeling at Marian's left side (Deborah Collins, nee Peart), Tina Hamilton sat in front of us. Experiencing the cycle of life on a farm (I am still a vegetarian because of it), and 'learning by doing'. This teenage gang, these friendships, this bunch of girls who all cared for and cried for the animals at this farm. I have moved house 20 times, live in another country, and have very little connection the the UK., yet I have held this image so dearly for so long because a good part of who I am is due to this image, and my teenage friendship with Marian. We honed with each other our comedic timing, our debating skills, our empathy, and our intellectual curiosity during these years. I have and will keep Marian close, even now.