Changing Forms
Energy cannot be created, nor can it be destroyed,
It simply changes form.
Life is energy; we are energy,
It is the rain that falls and we are the raindrops.
We slowly make our way down mountain streams and valley rivers,
From the source to the sea,
The sea of universal consciousness,
Where we dwell in oneness,
Floating in freedom,
Floating in peace.
For those still on the mountainside, fear not the river nor the sea,
Just go with the flow, enjoy the journey, savour the ever-changing scenery.
We cannot stay in any place for long, but nor should we desire to,
For all of life is full of endless wonder.
If you wish to remember who you are, just step outside,
Feel the rain on your face, feel the cold river water on your skin,
Comfort does not bring lasting peace, acceptance does.
As the water evaporates into rain clouds, it readies itself to begin afresh,
The timeless cycle that can have no beginning nor end.
Accept fully our joint reality;
Beyond the superficial façade of form and material,
Our true nature shines bright like the sun.
Accept fully this sunlight within,
That can cast away the darkness of fear, longing and regret.
Accept fully that we are all the same energy,
And that energy cannot be created, nor can it be destroyed;
It simply changes form.
Pete Stevens
18th October 2020